I try to put as little as possible in the bin that will end up as landfill. I'm always looking for ways to reuse, repair or repurpose items that might otherwise be thrown away. Even things that will eventually go into the recycling bin I'll try and find uses for before they are eventually discarded.

My husband loves his fizzy drinks so we tend to end up with a collection of empty plastic drink bottles. I've been looking for a way to make use of them and while standing in the greenhouse looking at some seedlings that were obviously feeling the cold I had a brainwave. Why not use those bottles to give each seedling its own mini propagater to keep it warm and help it along.
I took several clean, empty bottles and removed all the labelling but didn't worry about the bits of glue left on the sides. Then very carefully, starting with a craft knife but moving over to scissors as soon as I had made a slit in the plastic, I cut the bottles about a third of the way up from the bottom. I made some drainage holes in the base and cut a slit up the side of the top piece to help it fit back into place.
Then I filled the bases with some compost. Transplanted my seedlings into their new homes. Put the tops back on and returned them to the greenhouse where they are thriving.
As these seedlings grow on and eventually get planted out in the garden I hope to continue to reuse these mini propagaters many times and when they eventually fall apart on me they will still be suitable for recycling.


This is a great idea for reusing soda containers and looks like it is quite effective too! Thanks so much for sharing it at LWSL this week - can't wait to see what you have next week! - Ruth

05/10/2013 7:51am

This is such a fabulous idea! This would be perfect to link-up to my new series - "Create It Thursday." It's live now! <a href="http://www.lambertslately.com/2013/05/create-it-thursday-1.html">http://www.lambertslately.com/2013/05/create-it-thursday-1.html</a>

05/12/2013 9:14am

What a great idea! I love this. Each little seedling has it's own little greenhouse. A great way to recycle.

05/13/2013 5:23am

How fun and creative is this. Love it. I host a weekly party called Inspire Me Tuesday that will be live tomorrow evening. I would love for you to link up. www.astrollthrulife.net. Hugs, Marty

05/24/2013 3:35pm

I was so excited to find this post! I have been saving my 2 liter bottles for the very same reason. For the life of me I could not figure out what I wanted to do with them! I now have your idea. Thank you so much.

05/24/2013 10:24pm

You're welcome. I hope you find it works for you. My tiny seedlings have grown better in these pots than anything else I've tried and are now almost too big for the pots. Have fun.

05/27/2013 7:15pm

I would love for you to share and link up at my TGIF Link Party. The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday's at midnight.
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs, Cathy

05/31/2013 1:24pm

I am featuring your re- purpose seedling project on my site tomorrow! Drop by & pick up your featured button. (if you need me to send you the code email me) & Take a look at your feature!
Thanks for linking & sharing at DearCreatives.com All my best, Theresa

05/31/2013 2:32pm

Would love for you to share this at my link up where we pin all those you join to our party board

09/26/2013 7:51pm

Love this Weebly site, I had no idea I could make a free blog so easily, thanks!


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