I love knitting cables. I say that now but I avoided cables for years because I thought they would be far to difficult for me to manage but I was persuaded to have a go and now I find I can't stop.

I wanted something relatively small and simple to knit that I could do while watching tv but had enough complication to keep me interested.
This pattern by Mary Henderson was published in the Simply Knitting Spring 2013 magazine and it's a lot more simple to knit than it appears. I'm using yarn from my stash, Patons Tweed Double Knit in bracken, I've no idea how long it's been there or even if it's still available but it is nice to knit with and as the pattern calls for 5mm needles the cushion over is growing quickly.
The idea is to complete a couple of covers and use them to accent this lap quilt. I think the colours work together but I'd appreciate hearing other people's opinions.


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