This is the block that has been causing me so much angst. It's just sitting there waiting for me to pluck up the courage to have a go at sewing a curved seam. I'm procrastinating about doing this to the point where even housework seemed preferable but no longer today's the day. I can do this, I can do this, I can.....


05/22/2013 12:56am

I think I can, I think I can , I think I can ....WHOOOO....WHOOOO!...Chugga, chugga, chugga, WHOOO...WHOOO! This always worked for my kids...LOL! Waiting to see if you can do it without puckers, I've a Mariners compass quilt I've been putting off for months just for this very reason. Oh I love the peppers fabric, Cute!

Tdress Bowen
05/22/2013 2:30am

PUCKERS!!! I hadn't even thought about them. OMG something else to worry about.

05/22/2013 10:19am

Take a deep breath. Repeat after me 'it's only fabric. I will not be beaten by a piece of fabric', then away you go. Good luck xx

05/22/2013 8:25pm

How did it go? Is it sewn yet? Pretty fabrics

Tdress Bowen
05/23/2013 5:46am

Yes, it's sewn. I got there in the end. As soon as I have a photo ready I will upload it for all to see.

05/23/2013 8:24am

la reussite est la oui tu vas le reussir je suis sure car c est trop beau pour abandonner biz

05/23/2013 8:56am

Thanks for the encouragement jojo, it is finished and now stored with the rest of the Craftsy 2013 BOMs waiting for the rest of the blocks to be made. Looking forward to the June block.

05/27/2013 10:48pm

I would love to see the finished product! Thank you for sharing at our ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS party :-) Hope to see you again tomorrow!

05/31/2013 8:28pm

Hi again. My aunt quilted & I know how involved it can be. Your design is pretty! I don't think I could ever try one that complex. I have made a few baby quilts & that is it! Lovely work, can't wait to see it complete!


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