This month my parcel came from Libby and if you would like to see what I sent Mel she has blogged about it here. I have to admit I was starting to get a bit nervous about it not arriving and wondering when would be the right time to contact Libby without looking as though I was haselling her and then I got an email to say she had been to the Netherlands and got all my goodies from there. Just as a coincidence my parcel this month went to the Netherlands and just to add another layer of serendipity to it all a friend of mine from Block Swap Adventure joined Postcrossing and her first card went to the Netherlands. I keep trying to persuade Leigh that this is a sign of a city break to Amsterdam having our name on it. His reply is that its a sign I should visit my mother, she lives in Holland but its the one in Lincolnshire not the Netherlands.
Here is almost everything that was in my parcel. Why only almosr everything? Because there was also a packet of biscuity type waffles with a layer of caramel running through the middle. Libby suggested placing on the rim of a cup of tea or coffee and allowing the heat to soften the caramel. They were delicious. In fact they were beyond delicious which is why they didn't last long enough to photograph. I'm now on a mission to find somewhere local that stocks these as we need more of them.
These lovelies are cinnamon flavoured crispy sprinkles. I have no idea how they would be used normally but scattered over a portion of thick Greek yogurt they tasted wonderful. But then in my opinion anything flavoured with cinnamon tastes wonderful. This was the perfect choice for me. Thank you very much Libby.
Now these look like chocolate hundreds and thousands. The picture on the box shows them sprinkled over slices of bread and butter. I am tempted to try this with a slice of toast rather than on bread. I also think this would work on yoghurt as well. I do like Greek yoghurt and am always happy to find another excuse to eat some. I’m also planning to try some of these sprinkles on the top of a sponge cake. I think they will work scattered over some butter icing. I’m wondering if they might stir into a muffin mix and make a nice chocolate swirl through a plain muffin. One of the many things I love about receiving a Foodie Parcel is that it makes me think about different ways of baking even the items that I make on a regular basis.
And finally some lovely teabags from TeaPigs. I do like it when I get tea or coffee in my box. This time I got a flavour that is an old favourite and something completely new to me. The old favourite is Rooibos tea from South Africa. I started drinking this when a friend mentioned that it was recommended for people who suffer from cold sores. When that first tell-tale itch comes on start slurping the Rooibos, making sure that lots of the liquid lands on the cold sore. It really helps stop the itch and cure the cold sore. Also by drinking Rooibos regularly cold sores develop less frequently and heal more quickly in my experience.
The completely new to me flavour was chocolate tea. A lovely way to get that chocolate fix without all the calories. I did find it needed sweetening but only a small amount to really bring out the chocolate flavour.
How does all this work?
First you go over to the RockSalt blog and sign up. On the 5th of each month you get an email that tells you who you are partnered with for that month. One person for you to send a parcel to and a different person you will receive a parcel from. It is then up to you to make contact with your partner, find out their likes and dislikes and put together a parcel for them. There is a limit on both how much to spend and how much the parcel should weigh so it should never be overly expensive to be part of the fun. You send off your parcel and wait for goddies to arrive in the post for you. At the end of the month, if you have a blog, write a post about what you have received. If you don't have a blog don't worry you are still welcome to join in.
The completely new to me flavour was chocolate tea. A lovely way to get that chocolate fix without all the calories. I did find it needed sweetening but only a small amount to really bring out the chocolate flavour.
How does all this work?
First you go over to the RockSalt blog and sign up. On the 5th of each month you get an email that tells you who you are partnered with for that month. One person for you to send a parcel to and a different person you will receive a parcel from. It is then up to you to make contact with your partner, find out their likes and dislikes and put together a parcel for them. There is a limit on both how much to spend and how much the parcel should weigh so it should never be overly expensive to be part of the fun. You send off your parcel and wait for goddies to arrive in the post for you. At the end of the month, if you have a blog, write a post about what you have received. If you don't have a blog don't worry you are still welcome to join in.