I was so pleased to hear a volunteer had come forward to take over difficult the reins of Block Swap Adventure and even more pleased when I got my partner details for January. I'm sending a block to Lynn who I was partnered with during the summer and who is a lovely person. Lynn likes Star blocks. I like making Star blocks. So where is the problem? Do you ever have days where the individual bits of a block just do not want to behave and fit into the right place, do you know how many different ways there are to sew this block together incorrectly? I don't think I found every variation but I certainly found a lot. Most seams have been sewn ripped open and resewn at least once before being in the correct place. I'm not sure why it was so determined to be difficult and I have decided that while I'm happy to make a block to swap I'm never, ever going to make a quilt from this pattern which is a pity because now that it's done I've fallen in love with stars all over again.
I've linked this post to Patchwork Times, come and see the lovely stuff other people are working on this week.
I've linked this post to Patchwork Times, come and see the lovely stuff other people are working on this week.